Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Stitch In Time part II

I promised to  show you the first fully automatic machine produced in the French Singer factory back in  1957 ( which happens to be when I was born). This is the Singer 319k. I was attracted from across the room by the sea-foam green color and when I got close it was love at first sight. All the owners could tell me was that it worked. They had no idea what all those levers on the top were for and they had no luck finding the user's manual on the internet. I hesitated, for it did look rather daunting, but I knew I could get a straight stitch and zig-zag and that was enough for me. This machine was just too beautiful!

Once I got it home I  went straight to internet to see if I could find the manual in English rather than French. Not only did I get a hit on the first try, I also found a complete set of "fashion discs" which originally came with the machine. These discs, used with the levers, enable the machine to produce over 100 embroidery designs. Needless to say, at this point, I was near tears. How could this not be a sign that we were meant to be together?
What the hell is THIS ?!! It looks like something from "Alien Goes To The Gynecologist".  Anyone like to have a go?  It was in the accessory box along with lots of other strange and marvelous gizmos which I will show in the next post.